Balloon Pool Party Summer Fun!

balloon pool partyA unique and fun way to use your pool!

Wouldn’t you love to fill your pool with hundreds of colorful balloons and have your own balloon pool party? Take a look at the kids below – do you think they could be having more fun!  Be the talk of the town once your guests, young and old get to experience this unique, crazy and affordable pool party!

How many balloons needed for the perfect balloon pool party?

How many 11″ balloons do you need to fill your pool? Use this formula for “wall to wall” balloons; length x width divided by .66. Call us now and we’ll deliver as many balloons as you need! We can fill your pool fast with our inflation equipment. Over 250 balloons per hour per person!

Spectacular Illuminated Balloons!

Is your party in the evening? How about floating, lighted balloons? Want to be really creative? We can balloon pool partyeasily light up your deck with amazing 3′ diameter balloons with programmable LED lights, guaranteed to impress your guests! Single color or multi-colored, these amazing little gems are remote controlled, battery operated and will last as long as needed! Also available are specially designed waterproof LEDs made for floating balloons! It doesn’t get more magical than this!





Heike Reagan, CBA 

(865) 567-4086